

These precision micropipettes combine the accuracy of an expensive research dispenser with the ease and economy of a disposable pipet. The devices will dispense 5, 10, 20, and 25μl with an accuracy of ± 1%.

Using a micropipette is an essential skill for every biology student. Practice sessions with water give students the skills they need to use micropipettes with ease and accuracy.

It is not necessary to buy a complete set of micropipettes for each student to learn how to use them. Your students only need one micropipette at a time for this essential exercise. However, training your students to use micropipettes with a colored liquid is a better way for students to quickly confirm they are using their micropipette correctly.

Once basic technique has been mastered, students need to get a “feel” for different volumes. Small differences in volume can result in dramatic changes in results. Once students are comfortable using a micropipette, they need to see how far liquids rise in the tube at each different volume level. Biology students at every level need to be sure of this skill. They need experience with as many, distinctively different kinds of pipettes as possible measuring different volumes of liquids to use micropipettes accurately and effortlessly.

Different reagents have different surface tensions and viscosities. Modern Biology does not recommend that our micropipettes should be cleaned with solvents or detergents. These agents can leave residue in the micropipette that can cause your students to underfill the micropipette in subsequent uses. For especially viscous liquids, use micropipettes one time only.

How can you be sure your students have mastered micropipetting skills? Have them weigh aliquots of water. Or have them make a solution of a dye of known absorbance and measure their samples with a spectrometer.