You may not realize everything plants bring to our lives. Yes, we see how they beautify our landscaping, enjoy the shade of a tall tree, and enjoy eating them in our favorite recipes. Plants are a very important source of life in our world. They are the reason we have oxygen to breathe thanks to photosynthesis, food to eat, and many raw materials that are used to manufacture everyday products we rely on.

The study of plants is called botany. It’s a scientific term in biology that comes from the root word, botanic; a Greek word, botane. Someone who studies plants is a botanist. Botany is the world’s oldest natural science and has evolved throughout the years to include structure, properties, and biochemical processes. Botany also studies how plants interact with the environment and plant diseases.

Six Reasons We Need to Study Botany


Farmers are constantly facing issues with their crops and livestock. Too much rain, not enough rain, disease, insect infestation, animal illnesses, etc. These problems are not just on the farm. They affect everyone in the food chain including right down to the consumers. Understanding plants and what issues are encountered, botanists can recommend solutions to help create better seeds for better crops, give advice on healthier food for livestock, offer scientific based knowledge for organic gardening and help prevent future outbreaks and infestations.


Gardening is part of agriculture but focuses on plants. Questions for landscapers and other gardeners include what plants will grow and thrive in what environment and climates? Botanists study everything about plants and their individual needs so we can eat fresh, healthy foods throughout the entire year.

Plant Based Textiles

Most fabrics you are familiar with are plant-based. Cotton and linen are the most common. However, through the years, plants have been used in creating modal and lyocell, newer blends. In addition to clothing, other everyday items are possible thanks to botanists and the study of plants. This includes furniture, shoes, bedding, flooring and so many other products. Botanists study and research new ways to improve these everyday household products that make our everyday lives better.


It’s common knowledge that most of the wood used in constructing homes and other structures comes from trees and hardy plants like bamboo. Many home improvement products rely on plants as their foundation. Botanists study how to sustain our forests, while coming up with innovative ways to grow trees and other plants more rapidly to keep up with the demands of a growing population. They are also responsible for providing information that assists other branches of science to maintain forests and the ecosystems within.


Plants are now playing an important role and are essential in providing the world with a new source of energy. As we become more dependent on the depleting fossil fuels and other countries for energy sources, plants are coming to the rescue. Botany is key to studying how to develop biofuels to use as alternatives to fossil fuels. Studies are ongoing that have proven photosynthesis can be converted into electrical energy. Botanists and researchers delve deep into a plant’s composition and find innovative ways like this for future generations.


Plants are a key ingredient in medicine for hundreds of years and date back to prehistoric times. Botanists study how plants, especially herbs, grow and synthesize different chemicals that work to improve health, treat ailments and illnesses, fight off diseases, prevent cancer and other autoimmune disorders. The bark of willow is responsible for creating aspirin, the most notable pain reliever. Plants are also used to create products that prevent insect and pest infestations. As new illnesses enter the world and common ones evolve, plants will play a key role and function in creating effective medicines. Botanists also study what plants are poisonous, also critical in creating medicine.

How Did Botany Improve Life on Earth?

Botany constantly plays an important role in improving life. Learning more about plants can make life better and could save one too. As mentioned earlier, plants not only provide oxygen for the air we breathe, and medicine to keep us healthy but they also provide ingredients for the food we eat and clothes we wear, cosmetics for beauty, and the list goes on and on. Botanists study and research new innovate ways that plants can continue to play an important role in our lifestyles in the future. The bottom line is that plants nourish us with food, provide us with shelter, fuel, energy, clothing, beauty and so much more.

Best Ways to Learn Botany

Modern Biology, Inc. has a variety of quality educational courses, experiments, and equipment to help any student learn about botany. Have questions about throw to get started with our educational materials? Contact us today and let’s get started.