B1-2: Cell Fractionation and DNA Isolation
Cell Fractionation and DNA Isolation
Cell Fractionation and DNA Isolation
Occasionally, E. coli cells are found in nature that are resistant to the toxic effects of the antibiotic ampicillin. In this exercise, students create such an ampicillin-resistant population of E. coli by introducing into bacterial cells a plasmid that contains an ampicillin-resistance gene. Sufficient sterile materials are supplied for sixteen platings. The introduction of plasmid DNA into bacterial cells is called transformation and has enabled scientists to obtain large quantities of more than 1000 genes including those for human interferon, insulin, and growth hormone.
The Chemical Package for 16 students working in pairs. One student and one instructor manual included.
Transformation Kit
Genotype to Phenotype
Molecular Cloning Both Parts A and B
The Cell Nucleus
Includes instructions, E.coli, plasmid lux, control plasmid, calcium chloride, inoculating loops, transfer pipets, tubes, petri dishes, ampicillin,nutrient agar-ampicillin, and nutrient broth. All materials are provided sterile and ready for use.
Complete Chemicals and Instructions.
Electrophoresis Equipment Not Required This program is a complete laboratory course for teaching contemporary biology at the beginning college level. The program is suitable as a full-semester course that meets once per week and presents an experimental approach to the study of the biological sciences. The table of contents of the comprehensive program manual is […]
This Program is a complete laboratory course for teaching cell biology or introductory molecular biology at the college level. The program is designed for 16 students working in pairs and provides essentially all of the chemicals and instructions that are needed to teach sixteen 2-3 hour laboratory sessions. The course consists of 14 experiments carefully […]
This Program is a complete laboratory course for teaching molecular biology at the advanced college level. The program is designed for up to 16 students working in pairs and provides essentially all of the chemicals and instructions that are needed to teach seventeen 2-3 hour laboratory sessions. The course consists of experiments carefully selected from […]